Excel Worksheets

The below complimentary worksheets, are provided as a thank you to those individuals who have purchased the book. If you haven't yet taken the opportunity to secure your own copy, I invite you to do so now. Thanks once again for your support. It is my hope that these worksheets will bring clearer clarity to your own situation, as you work towards your goal.

As is good practice when downloading items from the internet, please take all necessary precaution to scan the items prior to using them.


The Scenario A worksheet attached, using Neil's budget challenges, shows the detail by individual date, of how the problem under scenario A was solved. Please reference pages 65 - 87, in the published book by Trilogy Christian Publishing.

Please note the following meaning related to the excel sheets used in Scenario A and Scenario B

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The Scenario B worksheet attached, using Neil's budget challenges, shows the detail by individual date, of how the problem under Scenario B was solved. Please reference pages 88 - 99, in the published book by Trilogy Christian Publishing.

The attached worksheet, shows the details related to Demetra's negative budget scenario, which began on page 115 of the published book by Trilogy Christian Publishing. A full year is reviewed in the attached worksheet.

Please note the following meaning related to the excel sheets used under Demetra's budget scenario.

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The attached worksheet shows the details related to Demetra's emergency flight scenario, which began on page 178 of the published book by Trilogy Christian Publishing. The worksheet covers the beginning of the month of April and goes through August 1. The worksheets shows how she recovered from that unexpected emergency trip.

Please note the following related to the excel sheets used under Demetra's emergency trip scenario.

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The loan analysis worksheet is a good resource for planning purposes. It can provide you with the specific, fund amount needed, based on your current interest rate and term. This in turn can provide, additional insight into paying off your loan early within a certain period. It can also show the benefits of having a lower interest rate when borrowing the same amount of funds.

Personal Monthly Budget Sheets that you can use

Please note: You won't need to create or have a Dropbox account to download or access the following spreadsheets. I hope the attached spreadsheets bring benefits to you, on your journey towards your goals. Remember these sheets are complimentary to all those who have purchased the book. It is my way of saying, thank you.

 The updated 2024 bi-weekly budget version 1, is attached below.  The below spreadsheet is best for those individuals in a positive budget situation (able to pay all their minimum balances on-time). This spreadsheet is for those that receive a paycheck on a bi-weekly/bi-monthly basis.

The attached link is a brief video overview of the Bi-weekly/Bi-monthly excel sheet. Video link:
More videos can/will be found on my You Tube channel. See link for social media and my you tube channel, at the bottom of each page.

The updated 2024 weekly budget version 1, is attached below. The below spreadsheet is best for those individuals in a positive budget situation (able to pay all their minimum balances on-time). This spreadsheet is for those individuals who receive a weekly paycheck.

The updated 2024 weekly negative budget recovery version 1, is attached below. The below spreadsheet is for those individuals on a payment plan or for those recovering from a negative budget situation. The spreadsheet will be for those individuals who receive a paycheck on a weekly basis.

The updated 2024 bi-weekly negative budget recover version 1, is attached below. The below spreadsheet is for those individuals on a payment plan or those recovering from a negative budget situation. The spreadsheet below is for those individuals who receive a paycheck on a bi-weekly/bi-monthly basis.